Real Sociedade sweated over the availability of the key striker after the injury against Alaves


After a very difficult start to 2024, Real Sociedade have taken form in recent weeks, having won their last three games. The last of those wins came against Alaves at the weekend, although a blip on that occasion was the injury suffered by Takefusa Kubo, who was taken off in the first half.

The Japanese appeared to suffer a hamstring problem in Vitoria, which meant he could only play 44 minutes. La Real has also confirmed the problem, but MD they reported that the suggestions are that a microtear has been suffered.

If this is the case, Kubo would be in a race against time to get fit The Royal Society next match, which is against Almeria in a couple of weeks. In this sense, the next holiday weekend comes at a good time for the young attacker, as it gives him the chance not to miss a single game for Imanol Alguacil's team.

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