UEFA rules to prevent Girona from re-signing Manchester City talent


Qualifying for their first Champions League campaign has undoubtedly been a blessing for Girona, who will be mixing it up with the biggest and best in European football next season. However, it also came with a flaw.

Girona is well known for being one of the clubs in the City Football Group, and in recent seasons, they have managed to secure loan agreements from other teams in the organization. This includes Savio (from Troyes) and Yan Couto (from Manchester City) for their Champions League qualification campaign.

Man City have since signed Savio, and he will not be leaving this summer. With Couto, Girona has a chance to get him back, but now it's practically impossible – AS Diary have reported that UEFA rules prevent any deal between Girona and Man City this summer because they are both in next season's Champions League.

Michel Sanchez had desperately hoped to re-sign Couto for next season, but now it's just a dream. Gerona now they must look for a new right back, as they now only have Arnau Martinez as an option in the first team.

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