Dani Alves statue in hometown in Brazil vandalized after sentencing


Former Barcelona and Sevilla player Dani Alves dominated the headlines in Spain and Brazil after one of the most high-profile court cases involving a footballer in some time. The second most decorated footballer in history was sentenced to four and a half years in prison last week after being convicted of rape.

Alves, 40, was found guilty of rape in the bathroom of a Barcelona nightclub, and in addition to his stay in prison, he paid the victim €150,000 in damages, and will be on probation for nine years, and has a restraining order. from the victim for 12 years. It is reported that Neymar Junior's family helped pay the damages for Alvesa factor in his sentence that is not 9 or 12 years, as requested respectively by the prosecutor and the victim.

Statue of Daniel Alves Ronaldo Silva / TV São Francisco

It made Alves a public pariah, where before he was seen as a hero – this was seen in his hometown in Brazil. In Juazeiro in Bahia, a statue of the footballer was defaced with white paint, and second Sport, had plastic bags over his head. On social media, some have called for the statue to be removed.

Daniel Alves' statue is vandalized in his hometown

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