English football regulator shuts down as government confirms 'landmark' bill | Football politics


The creation of an independent regulator for English football is imminent after the government confirmed plans to introduce a bill to parliament under which clubs could be fined up to 10% of their revenue if they breach conditions. agreed.

The long-awaited Football Governance Bill will be published on Tuesday and will define the regulator's powers under three objectives: “improving the financial sustainability of clubs, ensuring financial resilience across all leagues and safeguarding the heritage of English football.” .

The details of the bill, once published, will be closely studied by politicians, football administrators and fans as it finally marks a day that supporter groups have long been campaigning for.

The bill has been months in the making, with the government under pressure to deliver on its promise of a regulator as recently as last week. On Monday, Rishi Sunak confirmed the bill in what he said was a “historic moment” for fans.

“For too long some clubs have been abused by unscrupulous owners who get away with poor financial management which, in the worst case, can lead to total collapse, as we saw in the Disturbing cases from Bury and Macclesfield Town”said the prime minister. “This bill is a historic moment for football fans: it will ensure their voices are front and centre, prevent a breakaway league, protect the financial sustainability of clubs and protect the assets of our clubs, big and small. “.

The regulator has been the subject of debate and lobbying within the game since the government published its review of fan-led football governance, led by MP Tracey Crouch. The Premier League has long argued that English football was capable of regulating itself, but the decision by 10 of its clubs last week walk away from a financial redistribution agreement with the English Football League would have led the government to accelerate the introduction of legislation to parliament.

The Premier League said on Monday night: “We remain concerned about any unintended consequences of the legislation which could weaken the competitiveness and attractiveness of English football.”

The regulator's main role will be to grant operating licenses to clubs from the Premier League to non-league, subject to them passing mandatory criteria relating to fan engagement, corporate governance and financial reporting. Additionally, customized criteria on financial and non-financial resources (including a club's structure and staff composition) could be added to the terms of any license.

The regulator will have the ability to ensure that financial redistribution between the different levels of the game is agreed, its so-called supporting powers. However, government sources insist the regulator will not be “overly interventionist” and will take a “defence first” approach to resolving non-compliance issues. He will have no participation in decisions on the field.

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Crouch, Conservative MP for Chatham and Aylesford and former sports minister, said: “Football fans can begin to breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the next steps have already been taken to protect the long-term sustainability of the pyramid. “

One of the structural problems affecting the game was also highlighted by research published by the Black Footballers Partnership showing the discrepancies faced by former black players hoping to become managers.

Work carried out for the BFP by three academics on a cohort of 3,500 players who played in the Premier League or Championship between 1990 and 2010 found that non-black players were 50% more likely to become managers, regardless of their career. As a player. Black coaches were also found to be 41% more likely to be fired than white coaches, while black coaches were less likely to be promoted.

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