Barcelona Advisor to Joan Laporta criticized for sharing anti-immigrant sentiments on social media


Barcelona Council Enrique Masip, who is an advisor and close to President Joan Laporta, defended his activity on Twitter / X, declaring that he is only informed of what is happening on the road. Masip has shared a number of posts with anti-immigrant sentiment over the past week.

Masip's account is currently flooded with retweets sharing information that advocates against immigrants in Spain. Some of the tweets attribute male violence against women mainly to immigrants, also accusing immigrants of “destroying Spain”.

Masip was contacted after sharing these tweets to verify that his account was not hacked.

“I didn't give my opinion,” Masip said The newspaper.

“I try to present relevant information and situations. I only express what is happening and what is happening on the road”, while supporting his right to “give visibility to what is happening”.

“I am not against immigration. The legal kind. I am also not against the LGTBI community, although there are situations that I do not share and that are shameful. But I will not express them on the networks social”.

It is not the first time that the political views of the council of Laporta have come under scrutiny. His former brother-in-law Alejandro Echevarria, who continues to exert influence on club decisions without a formal position at the club, was initially forced to resign from the board due to his links to the Francisco Franco Foundation. The former Spanish dictator tried to eliminate Catalan identity during almost four decades of persecution, and Echevarria was part of a society dedicated to his memory.

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