'Biggest scandal in recent years' – Real Madrid to double pressure on referees after Valencia draw


Real Madrid believes that the decision of the referee Jesus Gil Manzano to blow full time before it reaches the head of Jude Bellingham is the biggest scandal in recent years, apparently eclipsing Negreira's corruption investigation.

That is second Brand, who say that internally the fury of Real Madrid has not subsided with the passing of the last 36 hours, believes that the decision justifies its strategy of pressuring the referees. While they know that “nothing can close the wound”, they will raise their voices in indignation at what they perceive to be a prejudicial treatment against them. Their goal is to force a major change in the refereeing body after what they feel is a moment that will pass in history.

Since the Committee of Referees (CTA) had confidence in the abilities of Gil Manzano as one of their best referees, Real Madrid thinks that this is proof of incompetence or unfair treatment towards the Blancos. Gil Manzano being dropped, or “put in the fridge” for a week, will not reduce his protest.

This comes a week after Sevilla filed a formal complaint against Real Madrid TV, which pressured the referees with weekly pieces of shots on individual officials. This has been a consistent feature of this season, and has raised the ire of other clubs, but the White House considers the events in Mestalla to be more motivation and justification to continue its public pressure of officials.

Of course, Real Madrid really benefited from Gil Manzano took the decision to blow the whistle for the end of the half in 2017, as Malaga scored from a set piece. Saturday night's draw against Valencia appears to have fueled the public battle between Spain's most powerful football institution and the Spanish Football Federation (RFEF).

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