Dani Alves left for up to 5 hours after being released from prison amid a pending rape conviction appeal


The former Brazilian star Dani Alves he was released from prison on Monday afternoon after being granted bail of €1m, which saw him walk out of custody 14 months after being handed over to the authorities. Alves was convicted of the violation, but the case is under appeal.

Alves, 40, left prison on Monday and declined to comment, but went straight to his home in Esplugues de Llobregat, where Sport say he hasn't left the property since. He had his Spanish and Brazilian passports removed to reduce his flight risk.

On Tuesday night, he saw two friends, who came to the house in hoods, and were spotted by the paparazzi. Those same friends stayed home and the music was heard until 5 in the evening. Alves' father celebrated his birthday in a restaurant Barcelonaand continues the celebration in the house of the ex-Seville and Barcelona.

Alves was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison for rape, and also to pay 150 thousand euros in damages to the victim. The prosecution and the victim appealed the sentence seeking a longer sentence, while the defense appealed in an attempt to see Alves cleared.

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