Luton Town are undisputed champions of the Tipping League | first division


Manchester City's “historic” fourth title (May 19) perhaps not so surprising since it is the richest club; Runners-up Arsenal are the second richest, and bottom club Sheffield United are the second poorest. A league I created, calculating the value of points earned per club in billions of euros, puts Luton Town way out in front (208 points per billion) and Manchester City second from the bottom (72 points per billion ). Congratulations to Luton!
Eduardo tips
Staveley, Cumbria

I knew someone would mention nominative determinism after I wrote a letter on population. Mike HineLetters, May 20) You might like to know that until I retired I was Mr Plenty, the quantity surveyor. In the future, maybe I should use my middle name, as shown below.
R Converwell a lot
Stroud, Gloucestershire

When I was a student in Dundee in the 1960s, I asked in a shop for chives and was told: “It's not spring yet” (Letters, May 21).
Dr Nigel Fairweather
Brixham, Devon

When my boyfriend went to a pharmacy in Bishop's Stortford in 1977 for treatment for lice, he was told, with his nose in the air, that it was an urban complaint. Hackney, probably.
Luisa Foxcroft

Adrian Chiles (May 23) does not find a good definition of “populist”. I can't find one for “socially conservative.” Can anyone help?
Jane Lawson

A populist is someone who thinks there is always an easy answer to a difficult question.
David Upton

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