How much money will the Premier League champions earn and how much will they receive for accessing the Champions League?


tThe current edition of first division is coming to an end, which seems dizzying.

With one last day left to decide which team will win the title, city ​​of manchester and Arsenal They are playing against everything West Ham and Evertonrespectively. pep guardiolaThe men are two points ahead. Mikel Artetaof the team, but they have a worse goal difference (+60 Manchester City; +61 Arsenal).

Therefore, both teams need to win. Not just to win the title. They also need to pocket a large sum of money. And, although the figure varies from one year to the next, the champion takes home an amount that exceeds 50 million euros. Find out how much money the champion and the rest of the teams that qualify for the tournament will win. Champions League receive in the first division.

This is what the Premier League champion and the rest of the teams qualified for the Champions League earn

  • Champion: 48 million pounds (57 million euros)
  • Second: 45 million pounds (52 million euros)
  • Third place: 43 million pounds (50 million euros)
  • Fourth: 40 million pounds (47 million euros)

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